Adventures in Fatherhood: 4

Man of the Hour: Brandon Skolnik

29 years old / Married to the woman that I have wanted to be with since I knew what girls were. From being kids ourselves together to raising our kids together we are in the middle of one big adventure!

Father of: 

Calvin (Little Dude - 9ish) Evie (E-Bug - 8ish) Mia (Noodle - 6ish) Rose (Posie - 5ish)

What has been your biggest adventure as a father?

"My Biggest Adventure as a father, is not just one particular instance. It’s the fact of being a father, watching little tiny humans that you help create, watch and learn from you. Trying to raise a son to treat his sisters and other women with respect. Setting an example for your Daughters to look up to and someday look for the same qualities in their husbands.

As someone who prides himself on having “adventures” one who will poke a shark just to see it “smile”. Will crawl through dark caves and free dive down to depths pushing himself to the very limit at every chance I get. I can say that without a doubt no place I travel to, or adventure I come across will ever compare to the one I have at home. I love every minute of being a father. It is and always will be my Greatest Adventure!"

What advice would you like to give to fellow dads?

"My advice to all fathers soon to be or currently being. Is that no matter what you prepare for there is nothing on earth that will compare to the feeling of watching your kids grow. There is no feeling like walking in the door after a long day and seeing your kids welcome you home with a shriek of “DAAADDDDYYY” followed by a running hug and embrace around your legs. No matter what adventure or dangers and thrills you seek out. Taking your kids on their first “PG rated” adventure will be the coolest and most memorable of them all ! So cherish every moment. Hold on to every hug and kiss because it is every single day of being a father that is the true “Skolnik Adventure”

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