Biltong Omelette
Enjoy this protein packed and flavorful omelette. All the crunchy,spicy and fresh ingredients elevate the salty hardiness of the biltong.

1 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil
4 large eggs, cold
Table salt and ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 jalapeno
1/2 a cup of baby spinach
4 Dried red chili pods
2 oz of biltong
2 shallots
1. Prep all of your omelet ingredients and have them within reach. Dice your shallot, tomatoes, jalapeño, biltong and spinach.
2. Crack 4 eggs into medium bowl . Add 1/4 teaspoon salt , pinch of pepper, and chopped dried chilli peppers. Break yolks with fork, then beat eggs at moderate pace, until yolks are slightly frothy.
3.When skillet is fully heated, cut 1 tablespoon butter then swirl butter to coat skillet. Place oil in 8-inch nonstick skillet and heat over low heat .
4.Stir in minced ingredients with the exception of the spinach until they are soft and fragrant. Do not let them brown! We want to keep them crunchy,colorful and fresh. Once they are tender spoon your diced ingredients into a bowl and leave to the side.
Now into the skillet add the egg mixture, and increase heat to medium-high. Using a fork gather the mixture into the middle in a circular motion around skillet.
While spreading any uncooked egg mixture to the rest of the pan. This is a great technique for cooking your omelet throughout without flipping.
When eggs are almost cooked but still slightly runny, add your chopped biltong, spinach and sauteed ingredients. Cook half a minute more.
Turn off heat (remove skillet from heat if using electric burner) and fold omelette over.